Testimonials (continued)

(contact details supplied on request)

Jan's Story

"When my daughter told me about doulas, I was very enthusiastic that she should use one. As I live almost 200 miles away from her and she is a single mother it seemed a godsend. So it proved to be. I don't think we could have managed without her support. The birth was not an easy one and Alison was there for both of us (or should I say all of us!). She feels like a real family friend now.

Baby Ellie relaxes with a friend

My husband and I came down to London for R's first scan and so we were able to meet Alison quite early on. I found her to be very responsive to our needs and I felt very much reassured that R was not going to be on her own going through the birth. She said that she would be able to go to R as soon as she went into labour and then be in touch with us by phone as we travelled down. This was a great comfort.

When possible problems were detected on the anomaly scan and R was called for a follow-up, I was devastated not to be with her. Alison immediately said she would go with her. That was an enormous help. Thankfully there was no problem but if there had been I know that Alison would have been there to support her.

Before the birth Alison and I spoke on the phone at length to work through R's birth plan and how a doula (and birth partner) fits in. I was able to see how very helpful she could be. At all times she took her cue from us but provided advice and reassurance.

In the end, Rainie was induced so we travelled down to London ahead of time. The morning after she was admitted we phoned Alison and said we would like her to come and join us at the hospital (she had already been in touch with R once she realised it would start with an induction). From then on, for the whole 26 hours she was a supportive partner in the birth. I must confess to feeling rather useless at first (probably a common feeling for a birth partner!), but Alison gently showed me by example how to support a mother in labour. Throughout the labour she worked with the doctors and the midwives as a sort of go-between when necessary. She was a constant reassuring presence for both of us. I can't imagine how mothers can manage without a doula, especially one like Alison, because one is in a totally unfamiliar environment, trying to deal with unexpected events. Birth plans tend to be forgotten, but Alison knew what Rainie wanted, and even though she couldn't have the water birth she wanted, Alison made sure that the midwives knew how much pain relief she had said she wanted and when. Alison always took her cue from Rainie however, and never pushed anything.

Rainie's baby was not presenting in the normal way and after many hours it was clear that a c-section was necessary. This had to be under general anesthetic and both Alison and I had to leave. I could remain close to the theatre but Alison had to be further away. I felt quite bereft without her! Soon the baby was brought out and was thrust into my arms! A wonderful moment, but made even better when Alison appeared to help! Rainie was still unconscious and Alison waited with the baby and me another two hours until she came round. In the meantime she placed my granddaughter on R's breast for the so important first contact of skin-to-skin and the baby latched on to feed. (I would not have had a clue I'm afraid to say!). Alison did not leave until she was sure Rainie and baby (and me!) were fine.

Alison provided advice and help after the birth both on a visit and by phone. I cannot overstate how important she was to us all and how grateful we are that we chose her as R's doula."

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